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About company

«Goldman and Young» LLC is the supplier of the largest manufacturers of abrasive powder –

«Goldman and Young» LLC is an organization that provides services in the field of logistics, supplies of materials and also service solutions for companies in the oil and gas sector, mining and IT sectors.

The key activities of the company are the supply of pumping, welding, construction equipment. The company also supplies electronic components for factories producing cars, communication equipment.

We provide services in the field of automation and technical solutions for telecommunications projects.

«Goldman and Young» LLC supplies equipment for the transport sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan, namely Kazakhstan Temir Zholy, Metropolitan Almaty.

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Offered Products

«Goldman and Young» LLC is a supplier of the largest manufacturers of abrasive powder - Garnet: GMA Garnet (Australia) and Garnet (China).

    Spare parts for the automotive industry:
  • Batteries
  • Tires
  • Electronics

    Welding consumables:
  • Electrodes for manual arc welding (MMA);
  • Filler rods for non-consumable electrode welding (TIG);
  • Solid and flux-cored wires for semi-automatic welding (MIG / MAG);
  • Wires, tapes and fluxes for automatic welding (CW);

ASSEMBLY SHOP having an assembly line consisting of the area of operations and unit assembly, the area of acceptance tests and the area of packaging and labeling of finished products.

  • Transport Engineering: component parts for units for locomotives and electric locomotives.
  • Oil and gas engineering: component parts for units for high-pressure pumps, shut-off valves for gas and oil pipelines, electromechanical drives of any complexity).

Many years of experience in the markets of Kazakhstan, CIS countries and neighboring countries

Availability of own production facilities and logistics solutions

Cooperation with the largest industrial and mining companies in Kazakhstan, the EU and the CIS.

The developed infrastructure of the company, covering the regions of Central Asia, the Caucasus and the EU, ensures maximum efficiency for our partners.

Дезинфицирующие услуги

• Cовременные стандарты качества и правила ведения бизнеса предъявляют строгие требования к содержанию торговых, офисных, жилых, производственных и медицинских помещений. В связи с ограничениями и с распространением пандемии Covid 19 в мире, нужно поддерживать постоянную чистоту и стерильность.

• Профессиональные дезинфицирующие услуги представляет собой целую индустрию с современными технологиями и оборудованием, специализированными составами профессиональной химии, квалифицированным персоналом.

• К нам все больше обращаются за профессиональными дезинфицирующими услугами - здесь и раскрываются наши возможности: мы обеспечиваем выполнение всех видов дезинфицирующих работ на должном уровне, выполняя полный цикл содержания зданий и других объектов в чистоте и стерильности.

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